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One Church
One Family
One Community


SCC is a community church located in Moggerhanger Park in Bedfordshire, UK. We are family of Christians dedicated to providing a friendly and safe place of worship where all are welcomed no matter their background, ethnicity or age. We are devoted to engaging and inspiring each other with the teachings of Jesus.


We share a common mandate; to share the love of Christ with the people of our community. As we strive to reach the residents of Moggerhanger and surrounding areas for Christ, it’s our aim to make the church become a place where people can connect and belong.


SCC is where you can meet new friends, discover your life’s purpose and learn how to live a life that has lasting impact.


Church Service
Join us for Church every Sunday at 10:30am


Each week we meet in-person and online at 10:30 am, and you are SO WELCOME! You can find more details about attending here or you're welcome to join us online on YouTube and Facebook (live or on catch up).

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17

BE inspired

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